Recently heard Namewee's new song, Rasa Sayang 2.0 from One fm and 988 fm. My first impression when i listen this song is: wah, since when one fm dare enough to play this song? Brave enough! Bravo! and i heard this song again at 988 fm. Its melody can be easily pop to mind and sing it out although you dont know the lyrics. Haha..
Nasional day does not make me think of the song of Malaysia. But it doesnt mean that im not patriotic kay? My area is quite cheerless. Cannot heard lots of fireworks. (i expect there will be much firework to be.. put out?)
31st August. The last day of August. End it with a public holiday. And have a new start, 1st of September. Basically is also a public holidays. LoL. So, lets move on our life!
This is what pop out in my mind when the clock showed 12.00am ++, 31st of August :
…… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……
一颗心扑通扑通地狂跳 一瞬间烦恼烦恼烦恼全忘掉 ~
我甩掉地球地球甩掉 只要 ` 越跳` 越高`
wow, 五月天,够潇洒! LIKE! XD