................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Thursday, April 30, 2015



我以为自己几乎忘了当时难过的种种情绪和思绪… 以为自己回顾时会微笑着… 结果对于当时写下的情绪和感觉,依然记忆犹新。回看当时的时候,眼角依旧落下那般忧伤的眼泪。

我再一次想起你拿着我手机刷着刷着,有心地阅读每个字,脸部表情严肃,中半段嘴角却扬上微笑起来… 在放下我的手机后告诉我,“嗯,其实你懂的很多。”



我想静静地看世界。静静地看,可以感受更多… 因为安静的力量,很大。

那般忧伤的记忆在我脑海里游荡;悲痛的感受陷入心底。我没有忘记,也没有遗忘。因为我确实经历过,体会过… 怎么可以就此淡化记忆?


Monday, April 27, 2015





Saturday, April 25, 2015


Some people realize that I'm not doing well these days. In fact, I almost break down due to the same issue. I fell into the hole again. As usual, I cried, saying I don't know, I'm lost, questioning why and why and how. Repeatedly. 

Some people faces came into my mind and it told me: "Seek for help. Ask for help instead of keeping it." Constantly, a voice is there to tell me "Don't worry. You have he, she and them." - my coping mechanism this time. 

The way I reacted this time is different from the past. I choose to tell certain people and I choose to confront. At first I cried so badly. The helpless feelings and negative thoughts struck me. Slowly, it faded, and I'm calmed.

I felt so angry. I put the blame on others and complaint why things always happen in critical time, when I'm having exams. I questioned, how much do I need to bear again?

Slowly, it faded. Instead, I started to comfort people who are concerning. I present a cheerful, steady, motivated, and 'very ok' self. Yet, I was shivering. 

Obviously, my emotions affected me and I tried to control it. Although it's hard, but I tried. Next day, I had nightmare. It's so bad until I tear out. I almost have panic attack in the dream. I was frightening and felt threaten. I tried to recall the details and I wished I could get the meanings behind.

It makes me feel uncomfortable and I decided to put it aside. I choose to focus on what I should do now and I choose to believe. Stubbornly. I flipped through the textbooks, read the text and words. In the end, I enjoyed reading the text as learning instead of for the sake of exam. 

I feel happy in the late night. I have flashbacks when I was reading the text. I saw pictures of how I developed and grew from the incidents in the past and how I build myself up through your supports and positive regards.

I choose to be happy even though the nation is not in the top list of world happiness. I choose to be happy although you might not. Even if you're really unhappy, I hope, and I wish, you're happy. 

What would you tell me this time? 

I think about the angel, you again. What would you tell me this time? I start thinking and seeking for support and encouragement. I know I will get the answer and gain competencies through reflection. Even if I fall, I know I can seek for your help or assistance. But I'll learn, I'll learn to handle it myself. I take eveything I learnt from you and apply it throughout the journey. It will never be wasted. 

I choose to be calm and do one thing at one time. I don't act as stubborn as I was in the past, whereby I rush on solving it; but I'm being firmed and stubborn in the aspect of my major concerns now, which is final exam. Jiejie, I'm still stubborn. =) 

I choose to be happy, even though others may not. If you are not happy, I wish, and I hope you're happy. Choose to be happy. If you're happy at this moment, I'm still, happy with you. =) 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


为什么人总是说,心情低落的时候就去吃点甜品吧… 那样心情会好一点… 
我还是不晓得那背后的逻辑。是因为甜的关系吗?可是这理论没法套在我的身上… 因为在我心情不好的时候,我完全不会有那个意识要吃东西,也不会选择吃着甜的食物来舒缓自己的情绪。

就一个味蕾,让你心情好起来… 这也太厉害了… 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


It's such a challenging day today. Firstly, I have the research confirmation meeting with my thesis supervisor and a senior lecturer. The purpose of the meeting is to make sure that thesis students are on the right track of their thesis study. It's not graded, but attendance is compulsory. I dreamt about my supervisor for a few times since the day I met her to briefly discuss about my study last week. I dreamt about her two days continuously. Friends are telling me that I'm too stressed, but I'm not. If I were, I would have felt anxious and sweating. Not sure if it's because of constantly occupied by my research studies, last night, I dreamt about being late and had lots of trouble to reach uni, and this is the second time I dreamt about being late for the meeting. But I'm not really worrying, honestly. Many people told me it's just a simple and informal meeting. They went in for few min and everything is done. My friend went in for 3 min, but he only talked for 30 seconds and the rest talked by his supervisor and senior lecturer, where they helped my friend to find out the solutions for the issues on his research. The other friend actually told me that him didn't talk much, but the two lecturers were talking like showing him what is oral defense. Tbh, the two lecturers are just too funny and everyone finds them amusing. They are really cute. Because lots of people find it easy and relaxing, that's why I'm not really worrying, but feeling nervous while walking to the office. It was a good experience and I had good time during the meeting. Although what I experienced and felt is not exactly like what others said. It is more serious and more questions were thrown on me. But I do enjoy the meeting. From nervous, feeling dumb, trying hard to explain and defense to smiling and satisfying when I see all three tick checks given by both my supervisor and the senior lecturer. I feel proud as to be the student under my supervisor. I have fully respect and admire her profession on work. Although it's just the starting journey of my thesis, and I'm not sure if I can produce the work up to her standard and expectations, but I believe she'll be a great and helpful supervisor along the journey. 

After that, I've my last presentation for this semester. It's challenging because I need to act as Pinocchio with OCD. I didn't have much time to practice for this presentation because my group members and I were focusing more on the meeting. It was a good experience as well even though I act like a child and making fun on the stage. Most important is the feedback from the tutors and peers. They actually gave a quite positive feedback on my group performance. I'm glad that everything goes smooth and I can present calmly on the spot. I see some improvements on myself. Not to exaggerate and showing off but to acknowledge the hardwork I've put in. It's a sign of self-approval. hahaha! =) 

It's a challenging day,
but fruitful.

Friday, April 17, 2015

When you're behaving as a good student, paying attention to lecturer and jotting down the notes, suddenly you turn to the left, and you see a laptop playing Korean show. 


Hey. Luckily I don't watch Korean show; but I guess I should try to watch one if I got the time. Too many people around me are enjoying watching Korean show, and Im interested to know why so many people like it. lol. But before that, turn back, face front, continue listening to the lecture and jotting down note.. =/

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Every beginning of a journey always serves with its purpose. It varies from individual to individual; but that's the motive of life and keep us away from neurotic anxiety.

Everyone and everything in life has its own purpose and meaning. Find the meaning and definite the purpose of doing a job. Then, keep it along the way of achieving and end of journey.

Monday, April 13, 2015









与其把爱握在手心不放,我选择… … 以“已不重要”看待。




What's the worst?

As long as you do something and contribute on the work to be done, you are not the worst. 

You can not knowing lots of things, but you can't not asking and remain don't know. 
It's always the worst, if you stop moving on and trapped yourself in the darkness. 

Though it's hard, but try to take the courage and move forward.
The crucial factor may be
the motivation to strive for the best.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Another tiring night. Doing stuff non-stop after having fun with friends at night. Hard work will pay off in various ways. Nothing to be lost. 

Can't be the top and superior all the time because there is always better ahead. Yet, there is no perfect in nature, the best things we can always do is trying to do better and better throughout the lifespan. And every moments, you're improving. Self-satisfaction.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015




“要是是事实,我该怎么面对和应对呢?” 我问自己






Tuesday, April 7, 2015



Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wrong & Right

There's no right or wrong. 
