................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Wednesday, January 28, 2015




结果一瞬间,我背着书包,离开了。拿了五十块在手,自己步行去买书。买我需要用到的书。买知识。到了那里,我开口对老板说,PSY319,workplace的… 他翻查了记录单,我无奈地看着他开了一张账单给我(原想可以当场拿到书)。当他要问我要付多少deposit当儿,我直接把手上的五十令吉递给他。他看看我说,“付多少”,我莫名地说,“付完”。他看着我点点头笑着说:“好,一次付完。有钱人的作风。”从他看见我想也不想就递给他五十块到我告诉他付完的时间里,他重复地用“有钱人”来形容我。大约有两三次。其实我是想要当场拿书,要不我准备那五十块在手干嘛。


Jiejie, I start feeling inferior and I'm almost fall back and repeating the undesired cycle. I avoid myself to touch on that part again because I don't know if I can handle it. Words that you told me hit into my mind all in a sudden. I shouldn't stop myself and avoid myself from being sad. I should let it be, let the emotion release naturally and experience it. But what if I can't handle it? What can I do, what should I do. I gonna sleep over and figure it out. Jiejie.. She is becoming.. She wants to... to be a better-Jacquelyn.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015





但我今天却塞得很愉快。我把收音机转到了平时很少听的My fm,正在播放访问阿牛的访问。我听得很愉快,很有画面。让我抹去了塞在车龙中的无奈与失落。对上次,我是在988大人物听到他的访问,也是让我听得津津有味。回到家还把他的访问下载下来,方便在空闲的时候重听。

阿牛是个很有故事的人。我发现在他的歌曲里,背后都有着很青涩的回忆。他每诉说的故事,都很动人。在他分享自己的经历时,我也领悟不少。他是在大马艺人当中,我喜欢的一位。他述说和呈现的方式,从唱歌拍戏,提及自己的家乡和少年情怀到家庭关系,除了感动和真实之外,其实都很有画面感(我想这是因为我会听得很真实和感动的原因?)。来到这他出到的第18个年头,他还可以那么真实地带出当年Sungai Puyu的风景、家里后院被风吹起的芋头叶、第一首学弹吉他的歌曲等等。他那种独特,可以说是没有之一的。我想那是为什么我会喜欢听他说话的原因。

阿牛可以说是我从小就听过他歌曲的艺人。我想很多人也是。当年我会唱着“对面的女孩看过来”;“如果有一天,我有了大肚腩”;“我,在这儿等着你回来”;“我用马来西亚的天气来说爱你…” 到现在比较没那么普及化的作品。十几年以来,他的作品总是很单纯,很纯洁。就是那一种“阿牛的感觉”,都没有太大的变化。我想马来西亚会因为有这么一个阿牛陈庆祥而感到骄傲。



几十年后我再回首  是否能找回这最初的梦
生日快乐 · 陈美青

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I can be your supervisor

This is another mail that keeps me awake at the late night. Normally when I send out a mail, I won't desperately looking for the reply. In fact, if the mail is very important and I'm 'gan jeong-ly' waiting for reply, meaning if the mail is really very important, I won't keep checking and see if I got the reply. I won't click on the mail app button on my phone, and I will resist myself to log in to check my mail when I switch on my laptop. If I do check the mail and it shows a new inbox on it, in which I can read what's the first few words of the reply, I'll hold on and not click on it to read the full mail. I don't know why, but this is my habit. Maybe I think that I'm not ready to read the reply yet, I suppose. Weird right? I'm wondering why I behave in this way while I'm typing..

If I receive the important reply in the early morning or afternoon, I probably will read it at night, when I'm at my quiet bedroom, feeling comfortable and ready to read the mail. In this case, I actually received the reply at night. I'll read the mail next day normally. I was too tired and almost fall asleep that day. But I accidentally and hyper-ly click on the mail and read it. *ouch*

I'm so shocking to get the reply so soon right after I send it out. And the reply surprised me until I still can feel the happiness when I recall the incident now. I end up staying awake although I feel so sleepy because I'm too excited to get the reply from the person that day. 

I don't know whether it is a right and good choice to make the decision, but I keep the faith that when I choose you, I will take the responsibility and I will trust you fully.



我很仰慕你,很敬佩你;同时却很怕你。我记得自己想尽脑子都想不到自己的偶像是谁,最后弱弱地告诉为我做测验的辅导员学姐说我其中的role model是你… 并且乱掰了几个原因。后来想想,其实是真的。没有乱掰。即使真的掰,也掰的有理。




Sunday, January 18, 2015











Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Great present for new start of semester

Dear you,

Thank you my dear. It's the best present that you gave for my new start of semester. It's simple, yet touches my deeply heart. No more crying no more struggling. I smile and I walk forward. 

"If you think you can, you can."

I keep every gifts brought by you carefully. I keep it in heart and bring it along the journey. Thank you for every single presents that delivered to me at the right time. It's so precious. Couldn't be valued by money. Thank you!

"If you think you can, you can =)"

Mae Ching • Chen Mei Qing

Monday, January 12, 2015

Wah! So Many Mails?

First time sending mails to multiple lecturers with regard to my thesis research. It makes me so nervous while typing each mail. I have considered whether to email lecturers or not because I haven done research about it yet. "What if lecturers ask me something I can't answer?" "Would it show that I'm not well prepared and give a bad impression?" These questions linger. I struggled.

I keep saying I've no ideas and worry since the day I got the supervisor list. I thought I've done something during semester break, but it seems not. I was blur and panic at that moment. I postponed my plan, paused everything there and I kept dragging. Until last night, I spent some times to sort out my thoughts. Calmly. Steadily. 

In the end I found that I actually got the direction and area to go, it's just that I don't have a specific topic. I actually know something, but not complete picture.

"It's ok and fine. Totally fine.", my senior said. 

Comments and suggestions given by seniors comfort me a lot. I spent some times seeking for opinions from them as well. The experiences they shared are very helpful as reference. End up, I take one step further to do what I think I need and I should do. Here I email so many lecturers in this evening. Gan jeong-ly. Aww!! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

虽然看得开 虽然天空如此辽阔
就像候鸟可以飞得很远很远 但也会不时想念着南方

即使飞得再高再远  我始终不忘回头看看那个远方的你
如果你在我身后  我会不时回眸
若你愿意  我会为你暂时留步,愿能带你前行
如果你在我前方  我会不时眺望
若你愿意  我会努力追上你的脚步,愿能与你同行

属于那个心的主人  要回的路

无论雨或晴  请记得都要相亲相爱
你给的无限温暖  才是最美最透彻的爱 <3 

最后  会是当初在总多卡片中选出代表未来的那张卡片吗?

If she has a wish now
She wishes that you don't let her go