................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Monday, November 30, 2015

Uni Life

It was my last lecture class in my undergraduate study. When it is over and the lecturer told us that there's no class tomorrow, I know that everything has come to an end. And I shall ready to put a full stop on my degree life very soon. 

I took some picture with my friends. How I wish the camera can capture all the previous moments I had with the friends around. 

I was quite rebellion and avoiding in socialising once in the past. But this bunch of people I met changed my perspectives towards friendship and socialising. I become more open, and I enjoy chit chatting with them inside and outside the class. I've never thought that I'll love this, but in fact, my emotions and inner voice told me that I enjoy being with them. 

Other than academic related, interacting and understanding people are the biggest lesson I've learnt in three years time. My viewpoints have been extended, and become wider as I meet more and more people in my life. As people said, no much people come to your life and stay forever with you, but everyone appears in your life would give you a lesson before he or she leaves. This is so true. 

I met people who inspired me; I also met people who ruined my plans. I've been hating those people who pushed me down and been criticising me at my back. But I recognised that it was part of my growing life, and it was probably my own perceptions and judgments. Perhaps, there's no one trying to push me down nor talking my bad at the back. Even if yes, it is no longer important. 

Once you've released your stresses and the feeling of dislike, you are free. Although it's hard. Life is always full of challenges. But we shall practice not pushing ourselves too hard and holding on so much that we can't handle. 

Thank you, to those who inspired me throughout the journey. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015


I think I'll miss the people I met here so badly after I officially completed my study here. 

3 years of degree life. Just a blink of eyes. 

Ended. Here.

How would the future look like?

Monday, November 9, 2015

A slice of bread

When you feel hungry at night, 
And trying to grab something to fill the stomach,
Then you saw a loaf of bread on the table.

Here you grab it,
And eat it.
A slice of white bread. 

Then, continue to do work.

It was my little boy's favourite last time. He will do any trick, including sit, shake hand, stand up, go home, out, come and stay, whenever I said: "Rocky, eat roti."
When I mentioned about how smart he was, in terms of following the instructions given, I remembered I used to "dance" with him. It has been a long time since the last dance.

夜深人静时  可有人听见我在哭
灯火阑珊出  可有人看见我跳舞



The third week you left me
Able to manage my emotions better
But I do really miss you
That my tears drop again

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


When somebody is so important to you, you will easily associate the person with the quote you've seen anywhere. 

Especially when the person is not around, and he will never come back anymore. Because he has gone to the heaven of God. 

But the second quotation shown above is so true. No time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart, if the two person are meant for each other, and if the two person are so important to each other.

Just like me and you, even if you've gone, but you always live in my heart. The best companion I have in these 7 years. My dear, love you. Thank you.

I truly believe that you're living good in another world. Or perhaps, you're starting your new life all over again. No matter how, you're in my heart. and I will miss you quite some times. Despite of the happening, we shall move on. Be brave and not afraid. Because we are always living together in each heart.

Rocky. Again.

Monday, November 2, 2015


十一月一号对我来说是个非常有意义的日子 -



我很感谢那年里你给了我无限的unconditional positive regards、认同、接纳、聆听、分享、关心和怀抱。让我告诉你,你的时间和眼泪没有白流。因为它们都化成了小小种子,在我心里丰盛的土地上发芽成长。













