................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Monday, August 31, 2015




爱你 <3 p="">

Friday, August 28, 2015

3 electives, 1 core and thesis 2


Eating.. Motivation.. And neuroscience..

Wow x2..

Sounds like a cool combination. 


I feel so so so tired these days.. Sleep deprive, even though I slept early.. 

Too much dreams and thought intrusions.

What a blue day..


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

One day it just gets better, there's no explanation or reason why. You just wake up, and you're not angry anymore. 

One day it just gets better. There's no explanation or reason why. You just wake up, and you're not feeling sad anymore.

One day it just gets better. There's no explanation or reason why. You just wake up, and you're not dejected anymore. 

One day it just gets better. There's no explanation or reason why. You just wake up, realise that you need to move on, and you start accepting and let the uncertainty go with the flow, despite of the worries and fear, you have gained the courage to stand, and choose your future journey independently. 

Sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve. 

Sometimes all you have to do it forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve. 

Sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve. 

Feelings makes us up and down. To certain extend, it doesn't matter. You just need to remember, what do you deserve in the reality. It helps to active your rationality, instead of letting you to be trapped in the world of emotion. Which can be dangerous. 

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. 

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. 

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. 

Imagination may brings us travel all over the places. But imagination isn't true and real. Either it is happiness, or sadness. They're unreal. It could be ok if the imaginations bring positive and good pictures of life. But people often trapped in the imagination of the uncertain future outcomes, and that's the cause of sufferings. 

I don't need anybody in my life who doesn't want to be there. 

I don't need anybody in my life who doesn't want to be there.

I don't need anybody in my life who doesn't want to be there.

"The door is there, you can leave and I wouldn't get offended. In fact, you're  doing in my favour, and you're doing good for your sake." —— words learnt from one of the lecturer. 


Sunday, August 23, 2015

朋友 与 不凡


已经好久没有好好和亲爱的朋友们聊天谈心交流了… 我有两个从小就认识的朋友,有他们在身边,总是让我觉得,“那已经足够”。


或许是长大的关系,又或许是自己性格的关系… 我不常对朋友讲述自己的生活苦事。我也不想其他人,可以和很多朋友圈里混在一起疯狂。我是那个,静静的,总是展现着一副“闲人免进”的样子…

朋友忽然感叹说,我们从来没有好好谈心,特别在我身上,找不到对的频率和我聊一些感情事,说我总是太理智。(我想他应该觉得我没人性。 )






哦,我不知道如此。做了太多得到他人认可的事情,而埋没了自己需要做的事情。就像跟风一样,随风而来,随浪而去⋯ 却没有想过逆风而行的疯狂,没有想过跨越海浪的汹涌⋯ 


最近越来越珍惜有关朋友这件事。自从positive friendship 以后,自从知道它的珍贵以后⋯ 但有时,真的来不及经验。

There's a place, where it gives you the safest feelings after you run thousand or million miles away, and when you come back, it gives you the best feelings, which I termed it as home. A home where it might not the typical biological family, but the sense of belonging, from any closes.

-不凡- ,是一个艾滋病患⋯ 遭受他人对艾滋的歧视。大众依旧无法逃脱心里的恐惧跨越对艾滋病患的接纳。但是有着关怀和爱的家人,那一种归宿感,或许就已经足够。

Wednesday, August 19, 2015



有时候可以很开放的分享心情。只要frequency 和 tone 调对,其实,都可以好好沟通。

或许有人觉得我总是冷漠冰冰,缺乏人情… 但有时候,我可以和你聊得很痛快,分享得很愉快。

我不敢说些“你这样看我,是因为你不了解我”这样的话。我凭什么要你了解我… 更何况变化这回事,像是天气一样,无法预计。





Sunday, August 16, 2015

一直在担心自己在三个星期的semester break过得太悠闲,使自己变得懒散,把该做的事都搁置了一旁不动。


但这种愉快不时让我感觉到一阵阵担忧… 而这种担忧渐渐地愈来愈强烈,且愈来愈持久… 原因是我担心着那些该做,却被我搁置一旁迟迟还未动工的事情… 那些该做却未完成的事情总让我心不在焉,不能完全享受悠闲的时候。

“我需要投入在我该做的事情里。”—— 再次告诉自己

所以我把自己投入在自己需要做的事情上。开始时很傲慢,没有精力,感觉爱睡,想着出游… 可当我渐渐投入的时候,我却担心自己会做得忘了时间,担心明天是否会对早已约好的朋友放飞句,会不会缺席已答应的聚会… 




Friday, August 14, 2015


已经很久没有把时间花在听歌身上了… 收在mp3里面的歌都是很久以前的歌… 但听回去还是很有画面感… 



Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Like seriously.
Yes, No? 

Seems like too early to make the decision. 

I don't know. 

You gonna make your own effort on living your life fully, because I have the faith on you that you can do it. It is the matter of whether you want, or don't want to study. You can kick it with flying colours, or perhaps, any color you like. 

Anyhow, I trust you, and it's your responsibility of your choice. 

Monday, August 10, 2015


There're still people care of you, when you tell people you want to leave.. LoL! 
So good yea? =)
Why worry so much? o.O

If I'm going to leave, what would you tell me?

Actually, she would like to stay..
No • Way

Sunday, August 9, 2015

##我希望以后早上起来,有杯热饮 + 西式早餐来开启美好的早晨。##

一个人的午后,搭上温热的咖啡。凝视着窗外的景色。慢慢的品尝那浓厚的咖啡,享受那悠凉的微风缓缓地飘逸在大自然生态里,让自己更能贴近自己宁静的心灵… …



Friday, August 7, 2015

Knowing someone who watches you growing slowly, from a poor person to be a better and capable person is meaningful and touching. 

For me, it's like a tender farewell message. There're too much to say and too much to be done, but parting knocks into our life before we complete those matters that we wish to do it together. We shall pause on that, but not stop. The tearful parting separate us from here, but one day, we will meet and we can continue the work undone here. 

I'll keep my prayer on you as well. My dear.