................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


When somebody is so important to you, you will easily associate the person with the quote you've seen anywhere. 

Especially when the person is not around, and he will never come back anymore. Because he has gone to the heaven of God. 

But the second quotation shown above is so true. No time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart, if the two person are meant for each other, and if the two person are so important to each other.

Just like me and you, even if you've gone, but you always live in my heart. The best companion I have in these 7 years. My dear, love you. Thank you.

I truly believe that you're living good in another world. Or perhaps, you're starting your new life all over again. No matter how, you're in my heart. and I will miss you quite some times. Despite of the happening, we shall move on. Be brave and not afraid. Because we are always living together in each heart.

Rocky. Again.

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