................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Monday, November 9, 2015

A slice of bread

When you feel hungry at night, 
And trying to grab something to fill the stomach,
Then you saw a loaf of bread on the table.

Here you grab it,
And eat it.
A slice of white bread. 

Then, continue to do work.

It was my little boy's favourite last time. He will do any trick, including sit, shake hand, stand up, go home, out, come and stay, whenever I said: "Rocky, eat roti."
When I mentioned about how smart he was, in terms of following the instructions given, I remembered I used to "dance" with him. It has been a long time since the last dance.

夜深人静时  可有人听见我在哭
灯火阑珊出  可有人看见我跳舞



The third week you left me
Able to manage my emotions better
But I do really miss you
That my tears drop again

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