................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Monday, June 27, 2016

Pause. Rethink. Continue.

I stop telling myself « I'm wrong » , « I shouldn't » . I embrace the feelings and every thoughts that came into my mind, then I tell myself, « it's ok » and. « it's alright ».

I got to know that there are some distruptive thoughts that would slowly kill and destroy our mental strengths. I also got to learn the link between thoughts,  feelings and behaviours.

I understand that our thoughts are so powerful that it could play a big impact on any part of our body, whether it's physically, psychological or mentally. That's why, I have never underestimate the power of my mind. 

As I grow, I realise I'm someone who has lots of thoughts that play in my mind. And as I grow, I realise I enjoy transfer the thoughts into words that easier for me to recognise my inner voice or subconscious desires. 

Nonetheles, I realise not everyone has so much thoughts and never take the time to process and think about how some random thoughts play a role in their life. Maybe I'm slightly sensitive over every thoughts or any random phrases that come into my mind. I feel uncomfortable if I don't pay attention to some of the thoughts that came into my mind, whether it's positive or negative. 

I think one of my weakness is that - I get overrided. 

Like the recent incident, I have been telling myself stop to do this stop to do that because I think that I shouldn't behave that way - to avoid myself getting hurt and sad. I feel that I'm restraining myself from doing lots of things that I wish to do, but to avoid some undesired consequences, I have to step back. It sounds right. I should step back and control myself in order to get rid of those negative consequences. 

But guess what, the more I tell myself «no this» and «no that», I feel relatively uncomfortable. It seems like there're too much «no» in my mind, and it leads me focus so much on the problems - as like why it happens, and what should I do to avoid it from happening again. 

I was pretty annoying and fed up when I hardly ask myself «not to do this» and «stop to do that». I realise that I can never solve it and I'm spending so much time in such inefficient ways thinking how can I avoid those undesire consequences. 

I started to accept the fact that, what is meant to happen will happen. I allow things to happen. Not to stop it, nor avoid it. Im no longer stopping myself from doing so much, no longer telling myself so much «no» anymore. I decided to take the courage to do what my inner voice and what my real thoughts have told me. This may sounds stubborn, but yes, people say, you'll never learn how to stand if you never fall. I do believe that some negative or undesire incidents should happen in life so that we can learn from there. 

I change. I change and I decided to tell myself, « it's ok », « it's alright ». I can do things that I wish to do. It's ok when there's negativity in life. It's alright to feel sad and down when thing doesn't happen as we wish. In the end, I still gain as I learn how to overcome it and I can see how things work when I change my mindset. 

People say, when you allow things to happen naturally, you feel less stressful, you have less to worry about. 

Although I'm still wotried that undesire consequences would happen on me as I'm allowing myself to do things that highly cause it to be happened, but that's me. It's the time for me to see what I've been invested is the right choice. 

Again, it's ok to miss someone; it's ok for me to value the relationship even though I may not know if other party does so. It's ok. It's ok if the result doesn't turn as how I wish. It's ok, and it's alright. No matter what happen, it's ok. 

Maybe I'm naive. But I'll still love you and miss you. Simply because I cherish you,I value you. Thank you. 

Quick Update

Seem like it has been sometimes since the day I could stay awake until this time.

I spent sometimes to clean up my table, rearrange the books and utilities that spread all over the table. I realised I have long time never sit down, taking the papers / books and pens to write down some notes or insights that I used to do in the past. It seems abit strange for me, but I sense some old feelings - I have my own place and do my own work, quietly, peacefully.

I remember I don't like to work in the environment whereby there's noise. Most of the time, I would sit down alone, and keep myself at the corner to avoid any distraction. If I were in the library with my friends, I would choose a seat whereby I can see my friends, but not too close with them.

I used to do work alone. I used to keep thing with myself. I used to be like that. 

K. K for King. 

Sunday, June 26, 2016



我没有追韩国连续剧,但我大概知道影片当中就是最近很红的男演员 — 宋仲基。他在舞台上唱着田馥甄的“小幸运”。虽然他的发音咬字也没有很清楚,但是台下的人还是听得非常投入。个个少女的脸上似乎都写着“幸福”两个字⋯ 

 在唱完第一段的时间,宋仲基像是松了一口气,他“呼”一声⋯ 然后他站了起来。 哇!他似乎穿了轮鞋,还在台上转了转⋯ 

我心想,现在的明星,不好做啊⋯ _ ⋯ _

Saturday, June 25, 2016


想有一本书名做开头,那是一本我在网上看见亚力妈分享的一本书。对,亚力妈。我不是一个常跟随明星或是网络红人的人,但偶尔还会关注一下他们一家的生活⋯ 书名写着:《每一次挫折,都是成功的练习》⋯


终于来到了星期五,感觉这种情感应该告一段落… 很多时候,不是说要告一段落就告一段落的… 但庆幸的是,我真心觉得,对,是告一段落了。

虽然我并没有遇到太大的挫折,也没有过得很坎坷的历程… 只是在路途中牵涉太多自己的情感,让我觉得很多难舍难离… 

书名给了我另一个思路。说穿了就是每一件不理想的事情都是推你向前的动力…听起来很简单,像是在说废话… 但要如何战胜这样的历程,才是关键。


事后,我知道 —••

•• 每一个再见,都是为了下一个再见。
•• 每一个挫折,都是成功的联系。


Sunday, June 19, 2016







能够成长在你的溺爱中,是我感觉幸福、快乐的时光… 那样的温度,真的让我感觉好暖心,好暖心… 


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Angel heal

I'm missing my angel. 
Haven been thinking about my angel for some times, but I never forget how she brought me up and company me during the hard time. 

After all, despite of the ups and downs, I realise that the only thing that can heal me is the angel I met in my life. 

Like now, it's another turning point in my life journey. I've been struggled and cried to myself. End up I had a dream about the angel again. 

The calmness. The love. The warmth, 

Never. Never fail to heal.