................................................................................................Mae Ching......................................

Monday, January 12, 2015

Wah! So Many Mails?

First time sending mails to multiple lecturers with regard to my thesis research. It makes me so nervous while typing each mail. I have considered whether to email lecturers or not because I haven done research about it yet. "What if lecturers ask me something I can't answer?" "Would it show that I'm not well prepared and give a bad impression?" These questions linger. I struggled.

I keep saying I've no ideas and worry since the day I got the supervisor list. I thought I've done something during semester break, but it seems not. I was blur and panic at that moment. I postponed my plan, paused everything there and I kept dragging. Until last night, I spent some times to sort out my thoughts. Calmly. Steadily. 

In the end I found that I actually got the direction and area to go, it's just that I don't have a specific topic. I actually know something, but not complete picture.

"It's ok and fine. Totally fine.", my senior said. 

Comments and suggestions given by seniors comfort me a lot. I spent some times seeking for opinions from them as well. The experiences they shared are very helpful as reference. End up, I take one step further to do what I think I need and I should do. Here I email so many lecturers in this evening. Gan jeong-ly. Aww!! 

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